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Cubism Poster
Oxygen Promo

I am
24 years old and currently living in Berlin. You just gotta love a vibrant city with a population so diverse that it's overflowing with inspiration.
Academic Background
The Bachelor's degree course in Interactive Media Design at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is an interdisciplinary program in which students are taught in a practice-oriented manner and design and implement their own projects in groups of increasing size. Design, coding and management form the three pillars of the course. Graduates have the ability to work independently and on an equal footing with team members and to independently learn how to use new software and design programs. The semesterly portfolio examination filters students in a stress test, whereby graduates prove that they can produce quality work even under time pressure and stress. The subject matter in design changes throughout the course. Starting with screen-based media, students work their way through the conception and design of smart objects to intelligent environments. In coding, students learn front-end development, the basics of back-end development and insights into physical computing with Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Management teaches communication and organizational techniques and the basics of entrepreneurship.